Thursday, January 30, 2014

Challenging the idea of truth and photography - Darcie Naylor

Obviously,  the man/tree root is the element of this photograph that coincides with the theme of challenging the idea of truth and photography. Unless he is a Greek God that we have never heard of, men are not half human, half tree roots or branches. His head, hair and upper torso look alive and well, but from his waist down - and his left arm - he is no longer human looking. How can this be? There are several elements that caught my eye in this particular photograph. First of all the dark, menacing clouds and the way that they give the feeling of swirling in the sky. They almost look like dirty snow in the top right corner. Then the shadow of the walking stick in the man's right hand looks like a scythe. I also love the texture of the earth - it goes along with the dark theme of this photograph by being rutty, and brown, and barren.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to post the URL -
